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Baie Longue

Hotels with Private Pool

Best Hotels with Private Pools in Baie Longue

December 2024
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Currency: USD
  • Hotel with private pool - La Samanna, A Belmond Hotel, St Martin
    This fantastic 5-star beachfront resort is located in Baie Longue on the Caribbean island of Saint Martin. Guests can enjoy luxury spa facilities and sailing trips to Anguilla and the neighbouring islands. For the most memorable holiday, make sure to choose the suite that features a private plunge pool or hot tub. The suite also comes with a covered gazebo and a personal rooftop solarium. From the edge of your own pool you have panoramic views over the private beach and the breathtaking sunsets. Order food from the restaurant and dine under the stars on your own terrace for the most romantic evenings ever. Highly recommended for a honeymoon! Read more
    Guest rating: 9.1 (superb)
    Price from: $2,697   Set dates
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    Private pool rooms in Baie Longue

    The ultimate guide to all the resorts and hotels in Baie Longue, Saint Martin that offer rooms with your very own private pool, swim-up pool or hot tub! We've carefully selected only the top-rated hotels that guests really love.
    Discover all the best hotels with a private pool.